Thursday, May 3, 2012

របៀប​បង្កើត​ល្បឿ​ន Internet នៅលើ Internet Broadban Connection

A simple way to increase the speed  of your broadband connection is to change your Windows Firewall settings to allow a greater range of access to specific ports. Firewalls block certain inbound and outbound ports from accessing your network, which can create a slower connection in some applications.

To increase the number of ports your network has access to, you must either disable Windows Firewall entirely, or enable specific port ranges for applications that access the Internet.


របៀបក្នុងការ Disable Firewall
  • 1.Click "Start." Click "All Programs," "Accessories," then "Run." If you have Windows XP, click "Start," then "Run."
  • 2.Type "firewall.cpl" into the dialogue box. Hit "Enter" to launch Windows Firewall. Click "Change settings" or "Allow a program through Windows Firewall," if you are using Windows Vista.
3.Select the "General" tab. Select the "Off" option, then click "OK" to save your settings. Restart your computer.

របៀប Enable port Firewall

4.Click "Start," then click "Control Panel." Double-click "Windows Firewall." If you are using Windows Vista, click "Allow a program through Windows Firewall," located on the left-task pane.

  • 5.Click the "General" tab. Confirm that the "Don't allow exceptions" box is unchecked. Click the "Exceptions" tab.
  • 6.Click the "Add port" button. Enter the name of the application in the "Name" field, then enter the port range the application uses into the "Port Number" field. Select the correct protocol ("TCP" or "UDP"). If you have Windows XP, enter your IP address into the appropriate field.
  • 7.Click "OK." Repeat the process for each application you use that connects to the Internet. Restart your computer.